BBKA Exams Information
If you are thinking about taking any of the BBKA exams or assessments, then please get in touch with me. I have copies of all the past papers for you to practice with.
BBKA exams have linked up with er2 and I can now send you a link to the application form and you can pay online very easily. Let me know you want to apply for an exam, I will send you the link, you fill out the form online, it is very easy, pay online and you've entered. I will be told by BBKA that you have entered for an exam. I can be contacted by email: [email protected], by phone: 01934 742187.
Fees and dates for applications and assessments are below.
Please note
Module exams in 2022 will be online and written.
Further information including Examination/Assessment application forms and syllabi are available from the web site
Refunds and deferrals
Fees for Resits are the same as for the exam/assessment in the table below.
BBKA exams have linked up with er2 and I can now send you a link to the application form and you can pay online very easily. Let me know you want to apply for an exam, I will send you the link, you fill out the form online, it is very easy, pay online and you've entered. I will be told by BBKA that you have entered for an exam. I can be contacted by email: [email protected], by phone: 01934 742187.
Fees and dates for applications and assessments are below.
Please note
Module exams in 2022 will be online and written.
Further information including Examination/Assessment application forms and syllabi are available from the web site
Refunds and deferrals
- If there is a valid reason for not taking an examination or assessment, a refund can be given.
- Generally, there will be an administration charge of £10.00 deducted from the refund except:
- no refunds will be given after the closing date for modules, or Advanced Husbandry;
- no refund will be given for Microscopy or General Husbandry if withdrawal is within one month of the assessment
- Deferral of an exam or assessment is allowed, as an alternative to a refund, provided due notice is given. This is for one year only and there will be an administration charge of half the entry fee, payable on re-application. After 1 year the full fee will be payable. Candidates who have deferred an exam must send an application form with the deferral fee when they wish to take the exam/assessment.
- For the Junior Assessment, BBKA Membership is not required
- For Members of Welsh BKA, Scottish BKA or Ulster BKA an additional fee of £9 will be required.
- All other candidates must hold BBKA membership of some category.
Fees for Resits are the same as for the exam/assessment in the table below.
The SBKA decided that candidates who have successfully passed any beekeeping modular or practical examination at any level, will have the examination fees refunded for the successful attempt.