The winner of Somerset Beekeepers’ most prestigious honour – the West Country Honey Farms Award – has been presented to Bridget Knutson from Cheddar.
Her outstanding contribution to the craft was recognised by fellow beekeepers at their annual meeting held at Wedmore on Saturday (March 10). Judging panel chairman Milns Priscott said in his citation that she was an active member of the beekeeping community at both local and national level. “Bridget has demonstrated her ability as a beekeeper to a very high standard. She has set new bench marks for the quality of her exhibits at honey shows and has always been generous with her support to help beekeepers to extend their knowledge,” he said. She is Chair of the Wedmore and Cheddar Division, manages the visual aid library for the British Beekeepers’ Association (BBKA) and teaches and mentors on local beginners, improvers and specialist courses. “If Bridget did not exist, we would have to invent her! The quantity, quality and level of contribution to beekeeping in Somerset is outstanding, and an example to us all,” he added. Also, she is Somerset Beekeepers’ yearbook editor and exams secretary and has passed all BBKA theory modules and practical exams putting her one step away from becoming a master beekeeper. Somerset Beekeepers’ Association works to advance the craft of apiculture within its membership and to promote general awareness and understanding of honeybees. For more visit Ends Pic cap: Bridget Knutson with the West Country Honey Farms Award rose bowl. Comments are closed.
September 2023