Thank you to all SBKA members who completed our annual end-of-season survey.
The findings reveal that on average members have more colonies at the end of the season than at the beginning and most enjoyed an excellent harvest. Summary: On average a member has five colonies going into winter (one more than in the Spring), harvested up to 50 lbs per productive colony and 175 lbs in total. Based on the findings provided by the 222 members who completed the online questionnaire, the total membership harvested more than 60 tonnes or 134,000 lbs from nearly 4,250 colonies.
For a detailed breakdown of responses to each question, take a look at the January newsletter. Our latest newsletter is available now! Click on the link to find out about forthcoming events, the results of our recent surveys and a feature from Tricia Nelson MB about nest temperatures. It's another good read!
:// Wishing all SBKA members and all beekeepers the happiest of happy new years! Here's hoping that the roaring twenties ushers in a decade of rewarding beekeeping with healthy and happy bees!
Anne Pike, Chairman SBKA |
August 2024