I am delighted to announce that Jackie Mosedale is our new President! Jackie was elected at the AGM on Saturday and succeeds Ken Tredgett.
Jackie is well known to many Somerset beekeepers not least because she is a former SBKA Chairman, is active in Somerton Division where she is President and Secretary, is involved in the county’s display in the Bees & Honey feature at the Royal Bath and West Show, and is part of the team which stages the county’s annual Lecture Day. Two years ago she was awarded our most prestigious honour, the Westcountry Honey Farms Award. I hope Jackie will enjoy her term of office as she continues to champion honeybees and beekeepers. Meanwhile, Ken is still very much a part of SBKA – he is a Vice President and continues to run the Lecture Day and Special Lecture. Anne Pike, SBKA Chairman |
August 2024