The news that the National Bee Unit has confirmed a sighting of an Asian hornet in North Devon is a chilling reminder that we need to be extra vigilant.
The NBU reminds us that our best defence against the Asian hornet is quick detection. Please check your traps and inspect around your hives – remember, the nests are high up in a tree. The NBU is advising us to actively monitor for the hornets and use both sweet and protein based baits in separate traps. For more information go to the Asian hornet pages of BeeBase where you will find a very useful Asian hornet ID sheet and Asian hornet poster which is available for identification purposes. What if you find one? Report your sighting immediately! Send as much information as possible, including the location of the sighting, name, contact number/ address and, if possible, an image. Send your sightings to: [email protected] Alternatively via the Asian hornet watch app which uses phone’s GPS. Finally, make sure you’re registered with BeeBase to keep up-to-date. Details of the 2018 SBKA Special Lecture have been released - Margaret Thomas, CSP, NDB will be speaking on the subject of Swarm Control for the Busy Beekeeper. Location: Edgar Hall, 8 Cary Court, Somerton Business Park, TA11 6SB Time: 7:00 for 7:30pm Tickets are free! To register click here Refreshments will be served and there will be a raffle. See the calendar for full details. ![]()
Somerset Beekeepers' Association has a brand new website!
With a clean, modern design and optimised to work just as well on mobile devices as well as PCs, it also for the first time integrates all the Divisions' events into a single calendar, which also includes search facilities to find specific events. A lot of time has been spent working with individual Divisions to make sure all divisional webpages have up-to-date membership information, newsletters, beginners' courses and views of all the divisional events. Also there are regular blogs posted in members news and SBKA newsletters. We hope you enjoy the new website and visit it regularly. Naturally there will be a few teething problems, so if you spot any errors or problems with the new site, please use the Contact Us page to report problems to our webmaster, Neil Cook. The programme for the SBKA Lecture Day in 2018 has been published. Date: Saturday 17th Feb 2018 Time: 9am - 5pm Location: Edgar Hall, 8 Cary Court, Somerton Business Park, Somerton, TA11 6SB Tickets: will be available shortly at £5 from Divisional Secretaries and are available now online (cost £5.90 including 90p booking fee) Click here to get tickets. The full programme is attached to this post and also appears in the online calendar. ![]()
August 2024