This year the AGM is postponed until April 14 because of the COVID-19 situation and the business of the meeting will be conducted through an online and postal vote.
As the Constitution makes no provision for the adjournment/postponement of the AGM, or the holding of an electronic vote, Council delegates were asked whether to postpone the AGM or to hold a vote by other means; they chose the online/postal vote. At the end of this month (March) we will contact all SBKA members with further information by email and, for those without email, via their Division’s secretary. This will allow the new committee to take up office and continue the smooth running of the Association. These arrangements are being put in place for 2020 only. And, of course, SBKA hopes you stay well, the sun starts shining and we have a good beekeeping season! Anne Pike, Chairman Comments are closed.
August 2024